

FOR 2016

Another year coming to its end. A lot has happened and changed throughout 2016; like settling in to a new city and making it feel like my own, balancing between a new job and my hobbies and enjoying Helsinki with my amazing friends, - some old and some new. Photoshooting a lot , loving a lot more and realizing how well things really are in this life of mine. No need to complain.

I’m so thankful for you for visiting here over and over again and hoping that you get something out of it. My goal is to share inspiring, beautiful photos and this year I really feel like I reached it with the help of my OVER THE TOP photographers who I am also lucky to call my friends.

I wish for an even more inspiring year 2017. Let’s keep on rocking.

coat ZARA, earrings H&M

photos by Vesa Silver